
UAV System Integration and R&D Manufacturing Section

Engineering the Future: UAV System Integration and R&D Manufacturing at Taiwan UAV

Embark on a journey through a decade of pioneering UAV development with Taiwan UAV. Our expertise in system integration and R&D manufacturing has placed us at the vanguard of UAV technology, crafting machines that defy the limits of the skies.

 Innovations in UAV Frame Development:

  • Material Mastery: We employ two types of robust materials in our UAV frames—versatile glass fibre and agile Balsa wood—each chosen for its unique properties to fulfil specific mission demands.
  • Engine Innovation: Powering our UAVs are ingeniously designed front-pull and rear-pull engines, each honing the craft of flight to perfection.
  • Custom Payload Integration: Our UAVs are adaptable marvels, capable of bearing diverse payloads, from cutting-edge cameras to long-range communication devices, transforming them into versatile tools for myriad applications.

 Cutting-Edge Flight Control Computer Integration:

  • The SD02-A Revolution: Our flagship flight control computer, the SD02-A, stands as a paragon of integration and flexibility. This system adapts seamlessly to various airframes, empowering everything from straight-wing to double vertical tail designs.
  • Power Control Options: Versatility continues in our power control, featuring front-pull engines, rear-pull engines, and electric motor power, each tailored to enhance the UAV's operational prowess.

In the realm of UAV system integration and R&D manufacturing, Taiwan UAV is not just participating; we are leading, innovating, and redefining the future of flight technology.